Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How to make money from your pay slip

With the prices of basic commodities on the upsurge, it is not enough that people rely on their salaries alone. In fact, if you want to survive in today’s world, you need to use money to make more money.

That is probably the reason why it is the rich that get rich while the middle class stay in the middle and the poor are still in the E class. It takes a lot of money to make money. Without the finances to start a worthwhile investment or a business, you will have to rely forever on the good graces of your monthly play slips.

Still, if you do not have all that much to risk in a new venture, you can always put some of your excess money in investments that may not yield big but will still cushion your finances from the effects of inflation. Below are some tips on how to make more money from your pay slip.

Go with the bank

This is perhaps the most common way of investing your money. Nowadays, you can actually open a bank account with just a small amount. Try to save at least a portion of your monthly salary. A goodly 10 or 20 percent is enough to make a tidy sum at the end of one year. In addition to giving you a small percentage of profit every year, it can also help you in saving up as it will psychologically require you to set aside a few amounts every now and then.

A bank account is also a good way for you to discipline yourself when it comes to spending cash. When it is already in the bank, you will not think of spending it unless you absolutely have to because of the hassles of withdrawing.

Mutually benefiting

If you have about a few thousands that you do not really need, you can try investing in mutual funds, which do not really need so much money as initial investment. Mutual funds is based on the system of pooling together the resources of a group of people and then investing those pool or resources in high stakes investments such as in government bonds and in the stock market.

Of course, before you invest your money make sure that you carefully study and investigate the company where you will be giving your money on. Mutual fund companies often have fund managers who make the decisions on the investments. Try to look at the profiles and track records of these fund managers and choose the best.

Get a house loan

A house loan is a good investment because you don’t have to spend so much as opposed to buying a whole new house in cash. You can pay for the house in installments just like when you are paying for the rent of the house. This is actually a good way of killing two birds in one stone. You can already live in the house while still paying for it!

If you can, look for offers that has no interests for a couple of years. Often, government housing programs have these kinds of offers. If you can’t find anything like this in the area where you want to live in, look for offers that have low interests or those with fixed interests for a period of time. This is largely better than if you are going to risk it out with fluctuating interests.

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