Saturday, November 19, 2016

The secret - interview with john harricharan q1

A. Vishwanath: My first question is, John, over the last three decades you have transformed the lives of thousands and millions of people across the world through your books, seminars. I vividly remember you talking of your desire, of creating powerful energy field you know just like via wireless internet zones where people could get access to a world of information just by connecting to the internet without any effort.

You know, you wanted to do something similar where people could empower themselves instantly by visiting a special energy field and enjoy moments of power and glory. And I'm really thrilled at, you know, you have finally managed to put it all together with your latest personal transformation programs, spiritual simplicity, and I am equally overjoyed, you know, that I am important part of that.

Now what I want you to do, John, is talk about this unique venture and guide all our beloved listeners as to how this program is completely centered around them and how this is going to take their life to the next level. You know I want to you take center stage here John, and tell all our listeners the real truth. What we have in store for them?

John Harricharan: What we have here Vish is an interesting amazing situation. All my life I have been sharing and helping, and teaching others that there are different ways to reach and just acquire the things you want, to have peace and joy, happiness, all good things. But many times I bumped into so many people who -- they hit the wall.

They find themselves in closed rooms, and they are pushing against the door to open the door to get out without realizing that it’s very simple. All they have to do is step back, pull in the door and it will open because you do not pushing the door to open it when the door opens to the inside.

I have read and followed and probably, have been the friend of many, many of the teachers who tended to teach spirituality. As you know, my contention is, we don’t have to search for spirituality, it’s like searching for air, its right here. All we have to do is breathe it. All we have to do is to be aware of it and yet that simple situation usually is so difficult to find for many.

So people run after every book you can think of, after every new guru. I saw this happen in the 60s and the 70s and the 80s. And today, they run after everyone who is teaching something. They might be teaching a magical this or a mysterious that, or the power of this or the power of that. And its like a all the struggle to find and to search and to really, really spend a lot of energy and time when the very things you want are around you.

Now, I’m not proponent of secrets. And let me put it this way, I think the greatest secret in the universe is that there are really no secrets. Just like rule no one for success is there are no rules. Rule no two, if you feel like subscribing to rules then realize that if you do not like the rules you can change the rules. So we can go on and on with all these things but there is a need today.

There is a real desire in the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people to find what I call century, or a place or a state of mind, where instead of having to solve their problems they find it that their problems are capable of solving themselves if the person gets himself or herself out of the way. This is why I though when you talk to me Vish about this project you probably remember that I said, "No, I’m not interested in doing any of these things."

A. Vishwanath: Yes.

John Harricharan: But you kept after me, remember. We talked about it and I -- finally you convinced me that this is something we should do.

A. Vishwanath: Yes.

John Harricharan: And it became in my mind a primary topic, a primary goal to create a novices, a place where people can come and just by going there, looking at something, reading something, watching a movie or a few minutes of a video, listening to the audio or just reading an article, or hearing an interview that there will be change in their reality field.

And when the change occurs in the field, their thoughts will change, they will change, success will become even simpler and easier to achieve, problems will seem to disappear into -- then here -- now, this might seem to have a quality of magic about it. And I want to tell you that I have always believe that the universe is a magical place. It’s the giant gift giving machine. The problem is many times we don’t know what to ask for, because we aren’t sure of who we are. You see what I mean by this.

A. Vishwanath: Yes.

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